The importance of a healthy life style for maintaining general well-being and avoiding chronic diseases is well-established. It is easy to attain – one is not required to be “crazy” to live the healthy way of life. I’ll say that a certain amount independent thinking is needed to distinguish fact from fiction in the vast majority of health-related advice that is currently offered.
The most important factor to do is eat properly. Make sure to avoid toxins in your food as much as you can and eat lots of fresh fruits vegetables, whole grains and other vegetables and exercise moderately at least a couple of times per week. Avoid smoking, even smoking secondhand; and stay clear of becoming overweight (which will naturally occur when you are eating well and exercise regularly). It isn’t always possible to consume the entire range of Organic foods – the EWG suggests 12 different fruits and vegetables that should be organic due to due to their higher concentrations of residues of pesticides. Eliminating environmental toxins as often that you are able to is a crucial aspect of living an ideal lifestyle.
Modern living is practical, but it could also be very unhealthy. The majority of us consume excessively processed food and eat a lot of fruit and vegetables; we don’t exercise. And when we experience chronic diseases like diabetes, we turn to the traditional medicines to feel better, but they can have severe negative side negative effects. Instead of acknowledging the importance of in a healthy way for us and future generations We continue to follow our bad habits , only to use toxic, potent medications to treat the inevitable signs.
Of of course there are many aspects of the healthy way are within our control. We’ll be exposed to toxins in our environment, regardless of whether we want to or not. However, a lot of these issues can be controlled by us. When we have the opportunity take responsibility and make wise choices.
This is the reason it is crucial to make sure that you are eating well, as it is the primary factor in maintaining an ideal LIFESTYLE.
I use the term “lifestyle” because I’m aware that “eating healthy” is sometimes an act that people do in anger, because they feel “sacrifice” is needed in order to lead a healthier lifestyle.
I can remember times when people who ate a poor diet would joke with me and claim that I wasn’t living by choosing not to consume pizza or drink beer and I would always respond “how many years of living can be done while your body is recuperating from what you’ve put in it?
Moving from an unhealthy to a Healthier Lifestyle
The reason I write about the healthy lifestyle tips of eating well here on the blog is that it has proven to be so beneficial for my well-being.
It wasn’t always this way though. I remember being obsessed with the occasional chocolate bar and always suffered from headaches or an infection , or an illness of some sort.
Alongside my frequent sugar cravings (eating every daily) I also experienced numerous undesirable symptoms that were difficult to treat with traditional medicines such as frequent headaches, skin issues (ie. acne, hives, eczema gas, bloating Bad Breath, weak or dry hair and nails Lethargy and fatigue, Stress or stress, Candida overgrowth, yeast infections, food or environmental Allergic reactions, Depression or Anxiety, Diarrhea, Constipation, mood swings, memory loss and frequent infections or colds PMS, bad menstrual cramps, bladder infections or loss of sexual drive…etc
Ughhh! No fun at all!
After all these years, I still love delicious food and I are never sick. Food is the ideal method to reconnect with your body, and go back to basic needs in terms of the things your body requires. It is a challenge to let go of the vices which you consider to be normal and break your narcissistic eating habits and begin at the beginning. A healthy diet is a way of life that provides an understanding of what your body actually wants, not needs and is the basis for the rest of your healthier lifestyle choices.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to eating healthy is to look at the underlying philosophy behind your eating habits and how you can incorporate healthier foods to your life.
If the goal is to lose the weight a bit, I personally think that this isn’t enough of a motivational factor and you are setting yourself up for “failure” but should you decide to eat healthy to have an improved quality of life, and to accomplish things that you’ve not done for many years, and to avoid getting sick any more it’s an amazing motivational tool that is likely to endure!
Therefore, to be practical with your eating habits involves making some changes to the food you cook and you enjoy.
I am always listening to my body whenever I take my food. I don’t calorie count or measure my fist and use ratio’s or anything else that makes me want to distinguish myself from my food.
The reason I have good health is that I’m very conscious of the food I consume I take real food for my meals.
This is why I do not require expensive supplements or rigorous plans to maintain my weight.
Delicious and delicious menus made of natural, whole food options allow me to indulge in things that many diet plans advise against.
It sounds easy enough however, what I’ve found is that the majority of people aren’t aware of the essentials of a healthy lifestyle of, particularly with regards to food!
I attempt to make things as easy as I can. I shop around the edges of the store, and eat mostly free range and wild chicken, small amounts of meat, and mostly raw organic vegetables and fruits, along with rice and beans. It’s impossible to include all the foods I consume here, but I invite you to check out my website and get a free Healthy Grocery List while you are there!